Now you can upload 1 hour video on Instagram by the help of IGTV - TG18 , IGTV,  Instagram,  Facebook , TG18 TechGyan 18
Google image IGTV

Now 1 billion active users of Instagram. which is so proudful moment for the Facebook subsidies company Instagram.

Instagram launch  IGTV app for Instagram users.
With use of this app user may upload 1 hours video in Instagram,instead of 1 minitus video. It is so helpful for new and existing user. Ti is assuming that it is give rival to YouTube. , IGTV,  Instagram,  Facebook , TG18 TechGyan 18
TechCrunch IGTV

What is IGTV App 

App for watching long-form vertical video that will also have a tab inside the flagship app. When you log in to IGTV, it will automatically begin playing vertical videos from people you follow, along with personalized recommendations from elsewhere in Instagram. , IGTV,  Instagram,  Facebook , TG18 TechGyan 18
Google image IGTV

How IGTV Works

IGTV will let anyone be a creator, not just big-name celebrities. People will be able to upload vertical videos through Instagram’s app or the web. Everyone except smaller and new accounts will be able to upload hour-long videos immediately, with that option expanding to everyone eventually. , IGTV,  Instagram,  Facebook , TG18 TechGyan 18
Google image IGTV 

When IGTV app Available globally 

The IGTV app will be available globally oniOS and Android  next few weeks
In IGTV’s dedicated app or its in-Instagram experience, viewers will be able to swipe through a variety of longer-form videos, or swipe up to visit a Browse tab of personally recommended videos, popular videos, creators they’re following and the option to continue watching previously started videos. Users will also get callouts from the IGTV button alerting them to new content.

How to create a Channel on IGTV

If you want to know how to create IGTV Channel so go to this link .

This all post content  taken by some tech website Like TechCrunch and verge.


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